Are You Articulating Your Value?

Are You Articulating Your Value?

podcast sales strengthen - magnetic offer Jul 06, 2023

I believed my marketing strategy was flawless for a long time, but I was mistaken. I had been approaching it slightly incorrectly all along. Countless entrepreneurs fail to reach their maximum potential due to their difficulty in communicating the problems they solve. I'll be sharing the valuable insights I've gained regarding expressing your value in marketing.


The key takeaways from this episode are:

1. Discover the importance of aligning your marketing strategy with the problems you actually solve, rather than focusing solely on the product or service you offer.
2. Understand the significance of understanding what your target audience is searching for when seeking solutions in your industry.
3. Learn practical tips and examples on effectively selling the problems you solve and communicating your value in marketing.


What you'll hear in this episode:

[2:38] The problem you solve vs the problem you sell.
[4:43] An example of what people are actually searching for in a CPA.
[7:02] An example of what people are actually searching for in a nutrition service.
[11:13] How to sell a problem that you truly solve.


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Tactical Resources:

5-Day Financial Mindset Refresh:

Create a Custom Podcast Playlist:

Grow Cash Flow for Your Business:

Tax Deduction Guide:

CFO Power Session: Text POWER to 860-609-6374

See how much you can save with an S Corp:

Additional Resources & Connect with Shannon: 

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The information contained in this podcast is intended for educational purposes only and is not individual tax advice. Please consult a qualified professional before implementing anything you learn.