Save thousands with an S Corp tax election for your business




If you're a business owner making at least $50,000/yr in profit (with up-to-date bookkeeping), you're likely leaving thousands of dollars on the table if you haven't yet elected S Corp for your business.   


Let's Fix That.


Unlock the tax savings power of the S Corp and learn how to stay compliant with a proven process that will keep the auditors off your back.


Unsure if you qualify? 

Not sure where to start? 

We're got you covered with the S CORP SUCCESS PLAN.


Actionable steps to help you make the election AND remain compliant

Listen - the S election may not be for everyone, which is why we start with a questionnaire to lay out the requirements. From there, we walk you through how to set this up properly and how to comply with the requirements.



Already have an S Corp and unclear about your responsibilities?


Did your accountant file an S election for you and leave it on your doorstep without explaining YOUR responsibilities to maintain it? I see this way too often. Download the FREE S Corp Success Plan to lear the requirements and avoid a huge headache.

Here's What You Can Expect:


Personalized Assessment: Quickly determine if S Corp fits your business and identify where you can focus to get there

Salary Analysis: Learn how to come up with your salary and how to support it in an audit

Payroll Simplified: Learn how to run payroll using Gusto so you can implement stress-free

Ongoing Compliance: Stay compliant and save continuously


Meet Shannon, Your S Corp Expert


My name is Shannon Weinstein and I am a CFO and CPA obsessed with helping small business owners succeed. I have seen so many business owners miss out on the S Corp or implement it improperly because of bad or no guidance from their CPA. That is why I made these resources totally free for you.

Make sure to check out my podcast KEEP WHAT YOU EARN for even more free tips.

Listen to the Podcast