Unlocking the Next Level of Revenue

Unlocking the Next Level of Revenue

mindset podcast Mar 16, 2023

As a business owner, we're always chasing growth, we're always chasing that next thing, it feels like no matter what we do, we're always hungry for that next level. And that's not necessarily a bad thing, but sometimes we can feel like we're starting to plateau when it comes to our income; like we can't break free from a certain level and we're not sure how to unlock that next step.

It can make you feel uncomfortable, stressed out, and worried about the future of your business. A lot of it is self-imposed but it's not your fault! We can be so focused on moving our business forward, that we're not looking around to our surroundings to realize what else is happening. Sometimes all it takes is a fresh perspective to really see what's going on in your business.

If you can't quite figure out how to unlock that next level of revenue, I'm going to walk you through a few simple questions that can help give you a fresh perspective so you can unlock that for yourself.


"When we encounter these limitations, I want you to understand that a lot of it is self-imposed, but it's not your fault. Sometimes it takes a fresh perspective, introduced a fresh set of eyes to really see what's going on in your business."

In this episode, you will learn the following:

1. How can you maximize your capacity and unlock the next level of growth in your business?
2. Are you charging enough and spending money intentionally?
3. How can you reduce the amount of things you’re spending your time on and unlock a new revenue level?


What you'll hear in this episode:

  • The questions you can ask yourself if you’re experiencing limitations.
  • Are you limiting your own capacity and capacity by time?
  • You can hire someone to cover your blind spots.
  • Why you’re stuck at your income level if you don’t have a single recipe written down.
  • Don't confuse your customer base.
  • Are you missing out on upsell opportunities or extensions?

Here are some brief snippets from this episode:

Sometimes we feel like we're starting to plateau when it comes to our income. This makes us feel stuck and a bit uncomfortable, maybe even stresses us out. Sometimes it takes a fresh perspective to really see what's going on in your business. Here are a few simple questions that can help you unlock that for yourself.

Are you limiting your own ability to produce because you're limited by time? Are you selling services that rely on you spending your time, or are you crafting offers that can be sold and delivered without you lifting a finger? You should always have a foundation of recurring revenue in your business.

Are you curating too many offers? Are you spreading yourself too thin trying to cook the menu of The Cheesecake Factory because you're not sure what people want to order? If you only have to deliver on two or three core offers, you'll be unstoppable.

Are you keeping a pulse with your customer base online or in person? And are you limiting your marketability by sticking with what worked three years ago. Are you missing out on Upsell opportunities or extensions? These are the types of strategies we like to talk about.


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