Mastering Coaching Skills with Lindsay Dotzlaf

Mastering Coaching Skills with Lindsay Dotzlaf

mindset podcast Mar 09, 2023

Lindsay Dotzlaf, the founder of The Coach Lab and Coaching Masters, shares her journey from being a novice in life coaching to mastering coaching skills. With her background in psychology and ability to connect with people, she founded her own coaching business after being coached for a few years.

Lindsay shares her insights on how to articulate the problem that coaches solve and how to meet clients where they are. She also discusses the difference between coaching and therapy and how to master coaching skills.

To build a foundation, Lindsay suggests that coaches need to have empathy, active listening skills, and an ability to ask open-ended questions. She also emphasizes the importance of continuous learning and practicing to reach the level of mastery.

Lindsay also shares her views on how coaching skills can be useful in different professions and what results people can expect from skill development. This episode is a MUST listen for coaches and any service provider who naturally acts as a support system for their clients' businesses!


"When I found coaching, it just felt like when it was so powerful for me. It just felt like everything kind of fell into place."


In this episode, you will learn the following:

1. What type of transformation and results can a coach help create for their clients?
2. How can a coach develop their skills to become a successful and masterful coach?
3. What strategies can coaches use to effectively coach their clients?


What you'll hear in this episode:

  • How do you distinguish between coaching vs therapy?
  • What does mastery look like in terms of what a coach should be doing? 

Here are some brief snippets from this episode:

How do you distinguish between coaching and therapy? People are not usually looking for a coach. It took me several years to build my business. For me it's more are we unpacking the past and understanding why we show up in our life the way we do.

Let's talk about mastering coaching skills. How can people cultivate these skills and what do you recommend? It's a continual journey, just like working with a business coach or learning how to grow a business. We are responsible for being the best coach we can be in helping our clients create the results.

The foundation can look different for different types of coaches. What do you think are the key elements that make up those levels? I coach a lot on mindset coaching. Know how to use the ones that you have in the most effective way.

I think almost any service provider right now needs to have some form of coaching skill. For CFO clients, we will do this as goal setting for the year. Where do you think coaching is the most useful now and in the future?

When people seek out skill development, what results can they expect? How does their coaching change or their business change as a result? One thing that's so fun for me sometimes is when my clients come and they're like, we haven't talked about money at all. The key is unlocking the results that people don't think they need.

What can you guarantee? Even in business, people are so afraid of the guarantee. Just having a guarantee of sorts helps you take ownership of the results, she says. Jones: It also helps create confidence from your client to go, no, she stands behind it.


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