How to Use LinkedIn Strategically in Your Business with Cassandra Thompson

How to Use LinkedIn Strategically in Your Business with Cassandra Thompson

podcast strengthen - magnetic offer Jan 31, 2024

As entrepreneurs, the constant challenge to remain visible in a crowded digital landscape is ever-present. With the right strategy, however, LinkedIn can become an invaluable tool to not only showcase your expertise but to genuinely connect with your audience. On episode 485 of "Keep What You Earn," Shannon sat down with LinkedIn strategist Cassandra Thompson to delve into the intricacies of the platform and how to use it effectively in business.

LinkedIn surpasses other social media platforms in reach and professional engagement, a fact Shannon knows well with her following of over 3,700 professionals. According to Cassandra, this platform is a gold mine for those looking to grow their audience - it's just a matter of strategic content creation and active participation.

One noteworthy tactic they discussed was the power of storytelling. Stories resonate with people, and when we repurpose content crafted from our stories – whether it be from a YouTube channel, a podcast like "Creating Opportunities," or any medium that speaks your brand's narrative – we create more engaging LinkedIn posts. Cassandra lights up as she explains how she spins pieces of her YouTube content into story-driven posts for LinkedIn, emphasizing the critical point of always adding value to the content you share.

Shannon expands further on this, stating that promoting content on LinkedIn doesn't have to be an overt advertisement. In fact, it shouldn't be. By providing value – like helpful bite-sized tips or sparking off a conversation with an engaging question – you project thought leadership and invite meaningful interaction with your posts.

Our host also stresses the importance of infusing personal elements into your professional content, demonstrating that catering to the human side of business resonates strongly on LinkedIn. She's found success with seemingly simple, yet deeply connecting weekly segments on work culture – like asking followers about their favorite go-to lunch spots or the kind of pens they prefer. It's this blend of personal and professional that fosters genuine connections.

Another clever approach discussed was to reflect individual hobbies or interests, like being a dog mom or sharing your love for iced coffee, in your profile and content. These personal touches create a more relatable, approachable image that can serve as an icebreaker or conversational pivot point.

The duo agreed that making LinkedIn a consistent habit can feel daunting, but it's not as intense as one might think. Start with investing as little as five minutes each day to scroll through your feed, like, and leave meaningful comments on others' posts. Cassandra underscores that comments can build your following faster than posts themselves. Shannon recommends at least two thoughtful comments daily that go beyond the usual platitudes.

A unique and innovative way to gain visibility and assert your knowledge in the LinkedIn community is through collaborative articles generated by AI. They invite users to chip in with their expertise, making this an excellent avenue for amplifying one's professional voice and being recognized among peers.

Cassandra also kindly offers listeners a free "cheat sheet" of 20 post ideas to kickstart your LinkedIn strategy. This resource is a stepping stone for anyone struggling with content creation on the platform.

Moreover, Shannon points out that the podcast provides resources not just limited to LinkedIn strategies. For instance, she directs listeners to for guides on locating the right CPA or tax pro – resources pivotal for entrepreneurs aiming to "Keep What You Earn."

In closing, both Cassandra and Shannon advocate for creativity and bravery in leveraging LinkedIn. In a space where hard-selling and self-promotion are the norms, standing out with genuine engagement and valuable content can make all the difference. So, roll up your sleeves and get ready to craft a LinkedIn strategy that will not only elevate your brand but also enable you to forge authentic business relationships – because, at the end of the day, that’s where true growth lies.

The information contained in this podcast is intended for educational purposes only and is not individual tax advice. Please consult a qualified professional before implementing anything you learn.

Cassandra Thompson is a globally recognized speaker whose work casting contestants for Wheel of Fortune, strategizing on the recruitment team at Riot Games, and coaching ambitious professionals made her into a networking paragon.
By leveraging the power of LinkedIn, Cassandra helps professionals extend their networking reach far beyond any single event. Backed with the skillset of industry experience and practical application, Cassandra helps her clients establish powerful connections while simultaneously increasing their professional credibility.

Recently named the Top Career Channel on YouTube by The Muse, her insights have reached over 11 million people on YouTube and have been featured on high-performing podcasts as well as ABC7, CNBC, and other major media outlets. Whether it's through Cassandra’s keynotes, workshops, training, or coaching you always walk away motivated and equipped with actionable steps to implement immediately.

Cassandra is on a mission to get people back to building authentic, real relationships.

What you'll hear in this episode:

05:18 Challenges in posting content on professional platforms.
09:19 Professional content on LinkedIn, personal posts important.
12:31 Be creative, stand out for the right purpose.
16:11 Passion for simplicity and non-conformity resonates.
17:51 Engage with comments, build authentic relationships online.
22:25 Engage in daily, thoughtful comments to grow.
25:30 LinkedIn uses AI to create collaborative articles.
26:27 Engage on LinkedIn to build profile presence.

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The information contained in this podcast is intended for educational purposes only and is not individual tax advice. Please consult a qualified professional before implementing anything you learn.