Divorce, Finances and Stepping Into a New Chapter with Renee Bauer

Divorce, Finances and Stepping Into a New Chapter with Renee Bauer

financial fortress mindset podcast Jun 20, 2023

Renee Bauer joins me to discuss the financial side of relationships and offer some advice on how to make your relationship successful from the beginning. Many couples tend to avoid difficult conversations early on in their relationships as they don’t like the discomfort it brings, but Renee advocates for pushing through these challenges early on for the greatest chance of long-term success.

Ms. Renée Bauer is an award-winning divorce attorney, published author, and founder of the Happy Even After Family Law. With almost two decades of experience, Renée is committed to empowering all women to redefine their sense of peace and purpose in their new life. 

As an individual that has litigated, and been through divorces personally, Renee brings a very valuable perspective on making your relationship successful, without having a pessimistic outlook. I believe that incorporating some of her advice can help all of us smooth over some of the common challenges and succeed in our relationships.


The key takeaways from this episode are: 

1. Address difficult conversations early on: It's important to have open and honest discussions about challenging topics, such as finances, in the early stages of a relationship. Pushing through discomfort and addressing these conversations can increase the chances of long-term success.
2. Involve both partners in financial management: Both parties should actively participate in managing the finances of the relationship. This promotes transparency, shared responsibility, and a healthier financial dynamic.
3. Seek advice for relationship challenges: Seeking guidance and advice, such as from a divorce attorney like Renee Bauer, can provide valuable perspectives and help navigate relationship challenges. It's important to approach these issues without a pessimistic outlook and incorporate advice to overcome common obstacles and foster relationship success.


What you'll hear in this episode:

[3:45] Who is Renee Bauer?
[6;43] How did Renee handle being surrounded by a specific energy of people getting divorced while also going through it in her personal life at the same time?
[9:56] How do we prepare ourselves for what may come in marriage, without pessimism in our own marriage?
[12:42] How do you recommend couples initiate the conversation of money early in their relationship, especially if it is an uncomfortable topic for them?
[14:18] The importance of both parties being involved in managing the money in your relationship.
[17:30] What are some other things you can do to ensure a financially happy healthy marriage, aside from open communication?
[23:49] What does Renee recommend for how to set up bank accounts in a relationship?
[32:39] How do you navigate the idea that it may be time to end one chapter and move on to the next?


Related episodes: 

Do You Take Time to Appreciate Success? with Amanda McKinney

Synching Your Business with Your Cycle with Melissa Rodriguez

Defining Your Vision for a Financially Free Life with Brian Luebben



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