Breaking the Cycle of Financial Fear

Breaking the Cycle of Financial Fear

mindset podcast Mar 29, 2023

If you struggle with the concept of finances, you cringe just hearing the word finances, or you feel like you should know more about finances than you already do, this episode is for you. We're talking about financial fear.

If you're stuck in this cycle of wanting more money, but you're afraid of what that really means (more risk, more responsibility, more taxes), then you could be actively repelling money from coming into your life. As entrepreneurs, we're obsessed with finding new income strategies, sales tactics, ways to close deals, ways to market ourselves, gain more clients, release more offers, launch more, all of these things. But deep down, are you really welcoming all of that money into your life and treating it well? Are you managing it well?


"If you want money flowing to you, if you want more money coming into your life, you need to welcome it into your life. You need to have an energy around you that welcomes money into your life."


In this episode, you will learn the following:

1. How to overcome deep rooted financial fear.
2. Learning new skills to become financially literate.
3. Understanding the power of a growth mindset and how it can create financial abundance.


What you'll hear in this episode:

  • If you want more money to flow into your life, you need to welcome it in.
  • The irony of it is that we avoid things out of fear.
  • Why you need to have a growth mindset. 
  • Giving yourself an identity is a permanent state of being and your brain is hearing that.


Here are some brief snippets from this episode:

When it comes to financial fear, it's not always obvious that you have this financial fear rooted in your behaviors. I like to define a problem as avoidance plus time. Most problems, especially in the financial world, are due to those factors combined.

The average person has never received any type of formal financial education. We have the ability to seek out knowledge in any area that we so choose. We owe it to ourselves and our future generation to educate ourselves and to encourage our future generations to educate themselves.

The more that you learn and understand and seek out more help, the more you'll be able to help other people and yourself. Growth mindset is really all about the flexibility of your brain to expand and learn new things as you grow. Any business owner should probably have a growth mindset so that they are always looking to improve.


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The information contained in this podcast is intended for educational purposes only and is not individual tax advice. Please consult a qualified professional before implementing anything you learn.