What a Balance Sheet Actually Tells You

What a Balance Sheet Actually Tells You

podcast start - data for decisions Apr 19, 2024

In this episode of “Keep What You Earn,” we are thrilled to dive into a financial statement that many business owners may overlook—the balance sheet. Often, we find ourselves more entranced by the profit and loss statement, but understanding the balance sheet is crucial for a holistic view of your financial health.

Let's start by lifting the veil off this apparently esoteric document. A balance sheet is essentially a snapshot of your business's financial standing at a specific moment in time. Unlike the P&L statement, which reflects the performance over a period, the balance sheet freezes the frame to capture what your business owns (assets), owes (liabilities), and the worth that remains (equity).

Why should you care? Because your balance sheet is the financial narrative that goes beyond mere profit calculation. It tells you whether your business is solvent—whether you have more assets than liabilities, which is fundamental to your venture's long-term viability. A business that ignores its balance sheet might as well be sailing without a compass. You could be turning a profit yet be on the precipice of insolvency due to unchecked debt or poor asset management.

Assets include tangible items like equipment, inventory, and cash in the bank, but also receivables—the money customers owe you. Keeping an eye on assets ensures that you have the firepower to generate income. As for liabilities, these are what you must pay back, such as loans, credit card debts, and sales taxes payable. Monitoring liabilities is vital to making sure you're not over-leveraged and that your business can sustain its obligations.

Equity, the residual interest in the assets of the business after deducting liabilities, is what you truly "own." It is the real wealth you've built in your enterprise. If you're extracting more from the business in distributions than it's earning, you're undermining this wealth and potentially heading towards financial trouble.

Let's tackle a common oversight: inventory accounting. If your business holds inventory, accuracy in its valuation is paramount since it directly impacts cost of goods sold and, therefore, profitability. Likewise, vigilance over your accounts receivable is indispensable. Letting these balances balloon suggests you're not collecting payments efficiently, which can quickly turn your profitable operation into a cash-strapped one.

Understanding your balance sheet also reveals how your business is financed. Are you thriving on customer income, or have you become dependent on financial steroids like bank loans and credit lines? These sources are not inherently negative; they are useful for specific goals or emergencies. However, if they become your routine crutch, sustainability should be questioned.

For those feeling intimidated, don't worry—you're not alone. If you're receiving balance sheets from your accountant or bookkeeper that read like hieroglyphs, it's time to ask for clarification. Better to seek understanding than to navigate your business's finances blindly.

And if you're handling the finances solo and the balance sheet is causing you sleepless nights, that's the perfect cue to consider something like CFO on Demand. With professional insight, you can translate your balance sheet from a story of confusion into one of clarity.

Lastly, a shoutout to Gusto, our payroll provider of choice, which can be a blessing for small business owners juggling numerous hats. And remember, a good balance sheet is not just a financial statement; it's a beacon guiding your business forward.

In conclusion, your balance sheet is more than just numbers on a page—it’s the untold story of your entrepreneurial journey. By delving into it, you can spot the financial icebergs before they hit, position yourself for proactive management, and truly understand the wealth you're creating with your business. So, take a fresh look at that balance sheet—it might just be the most thrilling story you read all year!

What you'll hear in this episode:

03:09 Balance sheet reveals financial health in snapshot.
08:25 Pay attention to credit card, loan balances, inventory, receivables.
09:42 Are we financially healthy or relying on loans?

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The information contained in this podcast is intended for educational purposes only and is not individual tax advice. Please consult a qualified professional before implementing anything you learn.