What We Left Behind in Corporate Career Life with Amanda Adams

What We Left Behind in Corporate Career Life with Amanda Adams

podcast start - stressless setup Mar 06, 2024

In a recent episode of "Keep What You Earn," Shannon and Amanda Adams delved into the impact of their corporate career experiences on their approach to building their own practices as self-employed accountants. The discussion touched on a range of topics, from work-life balance and setting boundaries to challenging traditional business structures and reimagining the role of hierarchy and job titles. Here's a closer look at some key takeaways from their insightful conversation.

Shaping Business Practices

Amanda candidly discussed how her corporate experiences had a significant impact on her mental well-being. She emphasized the importance of setting boundaries, choosing to work with clients who align with her values, and taking a more selective approach to client partnerships. Amanda's journey highlights the transformative power of learning from negative experiences and turning them into opportunities for personal and professional growth.

Work-Life Balance and Autonomy

Shannon shared her emotional experience of regaining control over her time after leaving her corporate job. She revealed that it was a moment of intense liberation to be able to design her schedule according to her preferences, leading to increased productivity and a sense of empowerment. This narrative underscores the value of autonomy and work-life balance in entrepreneurial endeavors, serving as a reminder for aspiring business owners to prioritize their well-being while building their ventures.

Challenging Traditions

A significant part of the conversation revolved around challenging traditional business norms. Both Amanda and Shannon emphasized the concept of working with clients rather than for them, fostering a partnership dynamic instead of a hierarchical one. This perspective reframes the relationship between service providers and clients, promoting mutual respect, collaboration, and shared goals. It's a departure from the traditional top-down approach, offering a refreshing model for modern business interactions.

Embracing Diversity of Thought

The discussion also touched on the importance of diversity of thought and intentionality in team building and leadership. Amanda stressed the significance of being intentional about bringing diverse perspectives into professional relationships, fostering an environment that encourages open, inclusive dialogue. This insight serves as a reminder for businesses to value differing opinions and seek out varied perspectives to drive innovation and growth.

Rethinking Job Structures

Amanda's stance on job titles and organizational structures sheds light on the need to challenge ingrained assumptions about experience and hierarchy. Her belief that time does not equate to experience or knowledge aligns with a modern approach to talent management, emphasizing the value of diverse expertise and fresh insights, irrespective of traditional tenure-based structures.

Reflection on Business Practices

The engaging conversation between Amanda and Shannon offers a wealth of insights for both established and aspiring entrepreneurs. Their shared experiences and willingness to challenge conventional norms serve as an inspiring example of redefining business practices. By prioritizing work-life balance, embracing diversity of thought, and reimagining hierarchical structures, they exemplify the power of intentional, boundary-pushing entrepreneurship.

In conclusion, Amanda and Shannon's conversation opens the door to new perspectives on business practices, urging listeners to question outdated norms and consider innovative approaches to building and managing successful ventures. Their journey serves as a testament to the potential for positive change when individuals embrace autonomy, intentionality, and adaptability in their professional endeavors.

If you enjoyed this post, we encourage you to engage in the conversation. Share your thoughts on how these insights resonate with your own experiences or how you're rethinking aspects of your business practices. Let's continue the dialogue on reimagining entrepreneurial norms and fostering inclusive, innovative environments for business growth.

What you'll hear in this episode:

05:30 Regained control over time, felt immense freedom.
09:02 Work attire doesn't define success, personal choice.
14:20 Experience doesn't always equal value or knowledge.
18:19 Supporting, noticing similarities, and building strong teams.
20:18 Essential resources for starting or cleaning business.

If you like this episode, check out:

How to Break Free from the Corporate 9 to 5

Best Ways to Negotiate Business Deals

3 Reasons to Separate Your Business Money from Personal


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Watch this episode and more here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMlIuZsrllp1Uc_MlhriLvQ

Connect with Shannon on IG: https://www.instagram.com/shannonkweinstein/


The information contained in this podcast is intended for educational purposes only and is not individual tax advice. Please consult a qualified professional before implementing anything you learn.