The Little Things That Unlocked Growth in My Business and Life

The Little Things That Unlocked Growth in My Business and Life

podcast scale - unbreakable systems May 06, 2024

When it comes to running a business, our minds often become consumed with managing tasks, meeting clients, and crunching numbers. In the hustle to stay afloat and prosper, we sometimes forget to step back and consider the incremental changes that could seriously spur growth not just in our businesses, but also in our personal lives. In the latest episode of "Keep What You Earn," Shannon reminds us that sometimes, it's the small, outsourcing choices we make that unlock monumental success.

Entrepreneurs are no strangers to the concept of wearing multiple hats, especially in the initial stages of building a business. But as Shannon emphasizes, the real magic happens when we begin to offload those hats that no longer serve us. For Shannon and her partner Jason, this meant embracing services like a weekly house cleaner, grocery pickup, and even a personal chef for meal preparations. These seemingly minor adjustments have not only maximized the use of their time but have also reduced the everyday stresses that can easily accumulate.

Shannon's candid reflections from her episode "The Little Things That Unlocked Growth in My Business and Life" serve as a powerful guide for entrepreneurs. She explains how the convenience of services, once perceived as luxuries, are now integral to her productivity. More importantly, she demystifies the guilt many of us feel for leveraging them. By determining what tasks within our personal lives can be delegated – be it house cleaning, meal prep, or errands – Shannon underscores how entrepreneurs can redirect their focus and energy towards activities that yield a higher return on investment for their business.

It's all about eliminating 'time takers' – things that occupy our day without contributing to our goals or well-being. And it's not just about paying for services; it's about opening up opportunities for others who enjoy those tasks we might not. In her well-received wisdom, Shannon narrates how this approach doesn't just free up her time but also engages other community members in work they love. It’s an ecosystem of mutual benefit, where entrepreneurs can nurture their business growth while contributing positively to those around them.

An essential takeaway from Shannon's experience is the holistic approach she takes towards stress management. Stress doesn't distinguish between its origins - work or home, it's all the same to our brains. By outsourcing, you not only make room for business expansion but also for personal fulfillment. Whether it's about taking a sunset beach walk or engaging in a meaningful networking event instead of keeping up with household chores, it’s clear that the value of these moments far exceeds the cost of the services that make them possible.

Moreover, Shannon makes a compelling case for monetary sense in delegating. Every hour spent on a task that doesn't align with your business mission or personal enjoyment is an hour lost that could have been invested in generating revenue or cultivating relationships. In essence, delegation is not a sign of luxury or laziness but a strategic business move that can make or break entrepreneurial success.

Shannon's message is powerful: drop the guilt and embrace strategic outsourcing. Entrepreneurs must realize and accept that "doing it all" is a myth. The focus should be on taking charge of your time. After all, as Shannon eloquently puts it, "your brain doesn't know work stress from home stress. It just knows if you're stressed out."

In the next episode of "Keep What You Earn," Shannon will take us deeper into the world of entrepreneurship by addressing the fears that come with legal and financial aspects of running a business. For now, let us digest this valuable lesson: sometimes, it's the little things – like hiring a cleaner or ordering groceries online – that can bring about the greatest changes in the way we grow our businesses and lead our lives. As entrepreneurs, it's these smart decisions that help us 'keep what we earn' and achieve the growth we aspire towards.

What you'll hear in this episode:

04:53 Groceries delivered saved me valuable time.
08:29 Outsource personal tasks to reduce stress.
09:53 Delegate tasks, shed guilt, protect your energy.

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