Building an Aesthetic-Driven Brand with Tori Kruse

Building an Aesthetic-Driven Brand with Tori Kruse

podcast start - mind over money Apr 10, 2024

In a recent episode of "Keep What You Earn," Shannon had an engaging conversation with guest Tori about the intricacies of building a brand based on aesthetics and the importance of personal image and energy in the business world. Tori, a personal stylist and mindset and confidence coach, shared insights into her journey from competing in pageants to founding her own company, emphasizing the significance of internal discovery and personal development.

Tori's background in pageantry played a pivotal role in shaping her perspective on building a brand. She highlighted the transformative moment when her pageant coach introduced her to the concept of the "it factor," which ultimately led her to discover the power of attraction rooted in one's internal essence. This realization not only propelled her to compete but also guided her towards founding a company grounded in mindset and confidence coaching.

Interestingly, Tori's initial career trajectory wasn't rooted in pageantry or styling. Raised as a tomboy with a love for sports, Tori's journey into the world of personal styling and entrepreneurship reflects the multidimensionality of individuals. Her experience serves as a reminder that one's professional pursuits don't necessarily align with childhood aspirations and that personal growth can lead to unexpected paths.

The conversation delved into the idea that one's business doesn't define who they are deep down. The business Tori has built goes beyond mere aesthetics; it's a blend of genuine rapport-building, the energy she exudes, and her passion for nurturing relationships. Tori's natural affinity for connecting with people highlights the universal desire for genuine connections, an integral part of personal and professional growth.

Both Shannon and Tori highlighted the significance of being a walking billboard for one's brand. While Tori specializes in physical aesthetics, Shannon emphasized the importance of exuding confidence and energy as a financial expert. The discussion ignited a refreshing take on personal branding, showing that how one presents themselves can contribute significantly to the visibility and impact of their business.

Tori's advice on setting a positive and impactful first impression resonates with professionals across industries. She underlined the potential of settings like airports as prime networking opportunities, urging individuals to step out of their comfort zones to harness the rewards that come with genuine connections. Her personal anecdote about meeting a significant client in an airport restroom underscores the unpredictability of networking opportunities that arise in unexpected places.

Furthermore, she emphasized the influence of energy in capturing attention and initiating productive conversations. Tori's focus on the energy one emits as an opportunity generator aligns with the idea that authentic connections can lead to meaningful professional and personal relationships.

Acknowledging the lack of confidence some individuals may face in presenting themselves, Tori provided constructive advice on leveraging one's wardrobe as a conversation starter. Her approach emphasizes the potential for subtle yet impactful personal branding, encouraging individuals to align their appearance with their brand's core values.

The conversation culminated in Tori's mention of her book, "Unexpected: How to Persevere Beyond Your Limits," a further testament to her dedication to empowering individuals. Her commitment to fostering genuine relationships and helping individuals stand out in the world illustrates the depth of her work beyond mere styling.

In summary, the conversation between Shannon and Tori serves as a reminder that personal branding transcends physical appearance and delves into the realm of genuine connections, authentic energy, and the ability to make a lasting impact. Tori's multifaceted journey encapsulates the power of internal discovery and the unexpected avenues it can lead to. Her insights offer a fresh perspective on personal branding, emphasizing the importance of authenticity, confidence, and rapport-building in the world of entrepreneurship.

What you'll hear in this episode:

09:00 Being a brand ambassador brings unexpected clients.
11:25 Love for relationships and conversation starters.
14:59 Create wardrobe that reflects and starts conversations.
17:54 Clothes won't define you; energy and connection will.

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